The advice we give is strictly regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, to make sure we consider all factors and make the right decisions we work as part of the Benchmark network. As well as reviewing our advice to ensure we are acting in your best interests, they help us stay informed about regulatory changes and issues in our industry so we are constantly learning and improving. In addition to this, Benchmark is recognised as the leading provider of technological solutions to financial advisers and provide practice management technology and a client portal to improve the efficiency of our business and the service we can deliver to our clients.

Asset Intelligence is an independent investment research consultancy that provides independent investment research to Financial Planning companies. Asset Intelligence have extensive research capabilities using both quantitative and qualitative research and data. We work with Asset Intelligence to support our client proposition and research and recommend suitable investment funds for our clients’ portfolios.

Asset Risk Consultants (ARC) provides investment consulting, manager research and performance reporting to private clients, charities, family offices, professional trustees and their trusted advisers. Colmore Partners use this research to review all existing discretionary held investments and to support new recommendations.

MICAP is a leading research provider in the alternative investment space. Research is independent and covers EIS, VCT, Business Relief vehicles and Alternative Investment Market (AIM) portfolios. We use this research to support the recommendations that we make to our clients.

FE Analytics provides investment analysis on over 300,000 funds, instruments and discretionary investment managers. We use this research to review investment performance and then provide some context to that performance versus other investments and indices.

Money Alive provide a suite of bitesize videos that are used to provide educational experiences on specific financial topics. We provide these videos to help our clients with their understanding of complicated financial subjects.